Feminism means "the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men." These advertisements are, well, not showing that. They portray sexism in it's worst forms. Let's go through them one at a time.
The first one is from PETA. A company I don't like because of their many, many sexist ads. This one portrays a woman as a literal piece of meat. This infuriates me. Not only me, but feminists everywhere! Just because they're an animal rights group absolutely DOES NOT give them permission to portray women as said animals. Do you want to know a secret? Women are people. With emotions. And dreams. And hopes, ambitions, feelings, relationships, and bodies.
The second ad is technically not an ad. But it does say some things I don't like. First thing: Women are not dogs. They do not need to be controlled or disciplined. They are people, with hopes, dreams, ideas, and goals. As for being put in their place, women know their place. It's 10 stories above misogynistic, disgusting people like whoever searches these things.
The third. Women in the kitchen jokes? Really? Not only does this bring back memories of the 1950s, but is also tasteless, tactless, and just plain sexist. Plenty of women want to be doctors, lawyers, teachers, CEOs, businesswomen, government officials, etc. And plenty of women want to stay home and be mothers, housewives. There's nothing wrong with any of these things. Women can be what they want to be. The only thing holding them back is how far they can stretch their ambition, and how willing they are to work for it. Same with men.
Domestic abuse! Ha ha! How funny! Let's use it for an advertising campaign, and belittle women who are abused every day by their husbands, sons, fathers, and brothers! One third of women all over the world are abused every day by someone of the male gender, and usually someone very close to them. So I never, ever want to see a joke made out of this ever again. And if you make domestic violence jokes, or belittle women who are abused in anyway, never talk to me. Ever. I may just punch your face in.