Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation company well-known for making brilliant alternate worlds come to life in a unique style of animation produced by Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata. It was originally formed on June 15th, 1985 in Tokyo, Japan. They have many feature-length films, as well as short films that showcase a wide variety of intriguing characters that live in different versions of our very own world. Their first film was "NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind" which was produced before they copyrighted the name "Studio Ghibli" amd formed the official company.
Here are their major films, along with brief plot summaries of each:
NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind is a story about a princess who lives in a world overrun by a toxic forest, and must find out the truth about it with the help of her companion. All the while, she is attempting to keep an evil man from destroying it.
Castle In The Sky is the story of two orphans, one with a sacred amulet, embarking on a quest to find the mystical island in the sky, Laputa, and defend it from those who would use it's great power for evil.
Kiki's Delivery Service is a tale about a young witch named Kiki, who must spend a year away from home as part of her itchy training. Along the way, she meets new friends and learns some valuable life lessons about the importance of friendship and relying on yourself for happiness.
My Neighbor Totoro tells the story of two young sisters who move into an old house so that they can be closer to their mother, who is ill. While living their with their father, they meet spirits of the forest who teach them how important it is to love your family, and how to hold out hope for a brighter tomorrow.
Howl's Moving Castle is a piece from the point of a young Londoner named Sophie, who is turned into an old woman by the Witch of the Wastes. To rid herself of the curse, she travels into the Wastes and meets Howl, a wizard with the power to restore both her youth and her belief in him.
Finally, Spirited Away is the tale of a bratty young girl named Chihiro, who finds a world of spirits and magic by accident, and must work hard and learn many lessons before she can have her parents back and go home. She meets a boy named Haku, who promises to help her return to the shores of her life.
In conclusion, Studio Ghibli shaped my childhood and taught me many lessons that helped develop my character as I grew and continue to grow. The artistic storytelling and heart-wrenching emotions these films draw from me and many others will continue to amaze people for generation to come.