Okay, so. This blog is going to be about hair dye.
At the end of this month, I'm going to dye by hair blue. I have dark brown/almost black hair, so it's going to be difficult to get my hair to bright blue status. So, obviously, the first thing you have to do is pick out a shade of blue. I'm going for something in between the pictures posted here. It's easy to find pictures of different colors you want, especially now that colored hair is becoming more popular. After finding which color you want, then you need to do some research.
What color hair do you have? If it's blonde or white or something like that, it's going to be pretty easy to dye. But if you have dark hair... You're gonna have to bleach it. The hardest color to strip/bleach is black, then dark brown, then any shade of red. The first thing yours going to want to do is talk to your hairstylist. Ask them what bleach you should get and what type of color you should use. Or just let them do all that work. Be armed: BLEACH WILL DAMAGE YOUR HAIR. However, it's really not as bad as it seems. You've got to bleach it several times over a very short period to have it fall out. (Ask my friend, she bleached her hair five times in a summer.) But, it's fine. It's all worth it. I promise! You'll look super duper cool with whatever color you want to have, I'm sure.