American Horror Story: Coven is the third installment in a series of television shows set in different time periods, with different stories, that all invoke terror. Coven itself is set in modern-day New Orleans where a small coven of teenage witches train to stay hidden from mortals and learn how to use their power safely. Of course, something has to go wrong. Well, MANY things go wrong. I've only just started watching the season, and already five or six problems have occurred for the girls, the supreme, and the teacher of their little coven. All of them have a special power to, some of which I won't go into. (They get a little freaky.) So far, they've managed to raise an evil witch from the dead, have one of their coven members killed, and one girl has killed two men. One on accident, one on purpose. Oh, and did I mention the boy they brought back from the dead? Yeah, he killed his mother. Not that he didn't have a good reason... All in all, it's a very entertaining series so far. I rate it 10 out of 13 ghosts, in honor of Halloween, and in honor of the zombies they brought back from the dead on their Halloween.
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